Find below a bunch of resources that I use or articles that I saved.
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- A Simple Guide to the Meaning of Life
- Guns, Girls, and Money: 5 Lessons From The Life of French Arms Dealer Bernard Cheynel
- 4 Takeaways From Dan Bilzerian’s Autobiography “The Setup”
- The Dangers of Moderation
- How to Walk 69 km In Two Days Without Any Training
- Personality Isn’t Permanent, Ben Hardy: a book giving you a complete roadmap to resolve your traumas and achieve your most ambitious goals.
- Models, by Mark Manson: a book on how to date girls
- No More Mr. Nice Guy, by Robert Glover: a book that will explain to you why you don’t manage to get anything in life
- Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man, By Joseph, David, and Franco
- Dating Essentials for Men, by Dr. Glover
- Charisma on Command, by Charlie Houpert: a book on how to become a social person that people want to hang out with.
- Never Split the Difference, by Chris Voss: a book to win every single one of your negotiations
- The 10X Rule, by Grant Cardone: a book that explains that it all comes down to hustling
- Think for Yourself, by Vikram Mansharamani: a book on the importance to think for yourself, and how to do so
- Principles: Life and Work, by Ray Dalio: exactly what the title suggests.
- Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman: a book explaining the intricacies of human’s psychology
- Maps of Meaning, by Jordan Peterson: learn how people create meaning in their lives.
- Dopamine Nation, by Anna Lembke: learn how we’re all addicted and why it makes us miserable.
- The Winner Effect, by Ian Robertson: learn why winners are winners and why losers are losers.
- The Inner Game of Tennis: the best book on learning stuff.
- The Way of the Superior Man: Men’s Bible to understand society, women, and themselves.
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