Writing Resources

  • Post category:Resources
  • Post last modified:June 1, 2024
Writing resources
Writing resources

First, go read the summary of the writing videos.


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Writing. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Writing Tips and Tricks

These tips have been collected from numerous articles about writing. Don’t follow them blindly. Context matters.


  • Don’t use the word “thing”
  • Make short sentences (depends)
  • Write short words (depends)
  • Use a wide variety of verbs
  • Always use verbs as specific and as clear as possible
  • Always use verbs to describe action
  • Appeal to the senses (hearing, smell, touch, sight, taste)
  • Explain yourself as simply and as clearly as possible
  • Write “fast”: reveal new actions and information fast
  • Be specific. Don’t write “wanna lose weight?” Write “how to lose 2 kg in 3 days”.
  • Don’t use adverbs (depends)
  • Don’t use the passive voice (depends)
  • Start with a strong sentence that makes the reader want to read the next sentence
  • Talk about problems and how to solve them
  • Write from the reader’s perspective -> use “you” a lot (easier for them to understand)
  • Be evocative, cut flab, craft imagination using a variety of literary devices, metaphor, analogies
  • Less is more: the best sentence is the sentence that conveys your thoughts in the least amount of words.
  • Keep one idea per sentence
  • Deliver a strong intro
  • Have an actual message
  • Write something that your readers can take away and practice in their lives.
  • The best conclusions bring to the surface an important point that has been there all along.
  • Write things nobody else would be able to write.


  • Capitalize your titles
  • Don’t make paragraphs bigger than six sentences
  • Use separators in between the parts of your text
  • Use sans-serif font for online content, and serif for print (depends)
  • Vary the length and structure of your sentences (don’t be boring).
  • Highlight in bold the important words.
  • Use italic for titles of books or movies.
  • Underline links.
  • Add images and/or videos.


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