The Complete and Definitive NoFap Guide (Benefits, Timeline, Flatline, Tracker…)

  • Post category:Articles / Resources
  • Post last modified:January 17, 2024

8. What Influences Your Nofap Experience?

A. Your Age

Being an 18-year-old is not the same as being a 50-year-old. Your body is different, your experience is different, your brain is different.

You will most likely experience the benefits faster and stronger if you’re young than if you’re old.

That being said, it’s harder to do nofap at 18 than it is at 50.

B. How Addicted You Are to Porn

The more addicted you are, the longer the flatline will be.

Your porn addiction is measured by:

  • The level of violence in the clips you watch.
  • The age when you started watching porn.
  • How long you have been watching porn for.

C. Your Diet

A low-carb high-protein (aka keto) diet will increase testosterone levels. I suppose you’ll get out of the flatline faster, but it remains to be tested.

The risk with the keto diet is that it gives you more energy, hence can make you hornier (at least that was my case), which makes your nofap more difficult.

D. Your sleep

The more you sleep, the better it is for your brain, and the faster you will get out of the flatline (needs to be tested).

The more you sleep, the better your mood is, and the easier it is to sustain your nofap.

E. Your Current Self-Esteem Level

If you have high respect for yourself, you will be less likely to relapse into your porn addiction.

Men that watch porn rarely do.

F. Your Current Social Life

The more friends you have, the less lonely you will feel, the less likely you will relapse, the more likely you’ll get out of the flatline.

G. Whether You Exercise or Not

The more you exercise, the better it is for your brain.

While exercise can be an excellent substitute for fapping, it also increases your testosterone and gives you more energy, which may compel you to fap in the end.

I say “may” because if you exercise enough, then you’ll be tired and won’t have any desire to nofap either.

H. Your Testosterone Level

Health-wise, the higher your testosterone is, the better (up to a certain point).

Nofap-wise, it’s much harder to sustain a nofap when you have high testosterone than low, as you’re hornier.

Your testosterone levels depend on all the variables we have cited so far.

I. How Often Your Brain Triggers Dopamine

Addictions make you more docile and less horny in general.

Health-wise, the less addicted you are to the fewer things possible, the better it is.

Nofap-wise, they will make your nofap harder.

J. Bottom Line

Eating junk food, playing video games, and watching TV killed my testosterone which made the nofap easier.

By the same token, eating healthy, minimizing screen time, and favoring social life got me super horny, which made the nofap harder.

So I came up with the following principle:

image 3
The fewer addictions you have, the hornier you get.

The problem with this graph is that it’s not exactly true.

Video games will decrease your desire to fap, sure…but weed and alcohol will increase it. They will also weaken your resolve. I always get back to porn when I get drunk or smoke weed.

It’s not easy; you need to know what you want: reach 90 days no matter what, or become healthy.

If you take a group of young men and put them in a forest with no video games, no junk food, no screens, no porn, and get them to live a healthy lifestyle…their testosterone will skyrocket and you’ll experience a level of violence akin to a Roman invasion.

What does this mean?

Trying to get rid of other addictions while doing a nofap will make the nofap harder to sustain because it will increase stress on your body.

Unless you have the mental game and resolve of an athlete, you will relapse.

If your purpose is to reach the God Mode, by all means, play video games if it decreases your willingness to fap or watch porn.

If your purpose is getting rid of porn or solving a deathgrip syndrome, then give up on porn and fapping, but not on sex.

You won’t get to know the flatline or the God Mode, but you’ll be able to resolve your issues.

Don’t make it harder for yourself than it already is.

9. How to Prepare for Nofap

Here’s how I prepared for nofap, but this isn’t necessarily the best routine for you. Test and adjust in consequence.

A. Get busy

Men often masturbate when they have nothing else to do. The busier you are, the better.

B. Delete All Your Porn and Block Access to Porn Websites on Your Computer and Phone


Use Site Blocker or another extension.

C. Eat Healthy

Anything that triggers dopamine is more likely to make me relapse.

Drinking encouraged me to watch porn, which encouraged me to play video games, which encouraged me to smoke weed, which encouraged me to move full time on my couch and not move anymore.

It’s a vicious circle.

How you do one thing is how you do everything.

D. Exercise

It will help you relax and decrease sexual tension.

E. Sleep Enough

Everything is easier when you sleep.

F. Change the Place of the Furniture in Your Bedroom

It’s related to those damn habits. If you want to break a habit, changing the environment makes it easier.

10. Nofap Tracker

I designed a Google sheet (completely free, just put “0” for price) for you to track your nofap so you can clearly identify the initial excitement, the flatline, and the God Mode in a scientific manner.

nofap tracker pic1
The nofap tracker.

I made a video to explain how it works but you can also read the instructions below.

In the first column, you have the number of days of your nofap. I suggest you write the first calendar day in the first cell (A2) so you don’t lose count. Add a cross next to the number every day.

The other columns exist to track the nofap stage you are in. Grade each variable from 0 to 10, daily.

If your mood is 9, horniness is 8, attraction to girls is 10, energy is 9, and self-esteem is 9, then you are likely in God Mode.

If, on the other hand, your mood is 3, horniness is 0, attraction to girls is 0, energy is 3 and self-esteem is 2, you are likely in the flatline.

It will be easy to measure because I’ve added some automatic graphs to the sheet.

chart nofap tracker
Charts on the nofap tracker help you identify when you enter the flatline.

This sheet will help you document your nofap and track it scientifically.

And it’s free!

I would also recommend you use Gof*ckingdoit. It’s a website where you pay money every time you don’t do something.

It helps with motivation!

11. Why You Will Fail

A. Bad Habits

Go read the summary of Atomic Habits to understand how habits are formed.

If you are used to fapping after drinking, for example, you will have to stop drinking during your nofap so you don’t relapse.

B. Bad Environment

If you have nothing to do and there is a bed in the room with a screen and an Internet connection, it will be really hard not to fap.

Make sure your environment supports your nofap goal.

C. No Goal

With nofap, you need to know when to stop. Are you aiming at 30 days? 50? 100?

Make an achievable goal and stick to it. Most people start with a 90-day goal as this is the average required time to start experiencing benefits.

If it seems way too much, start with a week. Then go for two weeks. Then three, until you reach 100 days.

D. No Support

It’s much easier to do nofap with a friend as you can talk about it and support each other. If you don’t have any friends willing to do that with you, then go online. The nofap subreddit is a nice place to discuss.

E. You Didn’t Use the Nofap Tracker

Use it.

It’s much easier to do something when you can track your progress than when you don’t know where you are, where you came from, and where you’re going.

12. FAQ

A. Does Nofap Cure Depression?

Studies have reported that porn addiction can cause depression. If this is your case, nofap will help you alleviate the symptoms.

B. Should I Ever Masturbate Again?

Of course! Masturbation is healthy and natural. The key is not masturbating too much, and never, ever masturbating to porn!

But you should not do nofap “forever”. Having regular orgasms is healthy, and if you can’t have sex, masturbation is the best solution.

In a subtle way, excess ejaculations will diminish your courage to take risks, professionally and spiritually.

David Deida

C. How Long Does the Flatline Last?

It depends on:

  • How addicted you are to porn
  • For how long you have been watching porn
  • How early you began watching porn
  • How violent the porn was

2-3 months is the average flatline period reported by most people. The most extreme cases had flatlines that lasted up to two years and a half.

D. Can I Have Sex During Nofap?

That depends on your goal and on the issues you want to fix. If your purpose is to get rid of your porn addiction and reconnect with your sex partners, then sex during nofap is no problem.

If your purpose is to reach God Mode, then you should not have sex.

If your purpose is to solve the death grip syndrome, then you can have sex.

E. Is Fapping Natural?


Fapping too much isn’t. And the death grip syndrome certainly isn’t natural either.

F. How Many Times Maximum Should I Fap Per Day?

That depends on people. Ideally, you should not fap more than twice a day. The optimum is once a week.

G. What Happens If I Relapse?

It’s ok. We’re all humans. I failed nofap countless times (probably 50 or so).

Nofap is a bit like getting rich. It’s hard, but you only need to succeed once, so don’t worry.

The first thing to do is to assess the situation.

Why did you relapse? Were you drunk? Did you see a hot girl on TV? Were you bored?

The second thing to do is to make sure that the situation does not happen again.

Reset your nofap tracker to zero and start counting again the next day.

H. Is Nofap Worth It?


  • You are addicted to porn
  • Have a death-grip syndrome problem
  • Struggle with dating girls
  • Lack energy
  • Masturbate more than twice a day

Then yes, nofap is definitely worth it!

I. When Does Resisting Watching Porn Get the Hardest?

When I look at my own no-porn streaks, I seem to relapse between 6 – 18 months into the streak.

The reason is often the same: I yearn for female companionship and I happen to be drunk.

However, this seems to be exacerbated by nofap itself.

To simplify: once you have successfully gotten rid of porn (minimum time: 90 days), don’t try to do another nofap.

Your need for sex-fueled dopamine will be stronger then, and resisting watching porn will be harder.

J. Does Nofap Help With Social Anxiety?

It helped me be much more confident and comfortable talking to strangers up to the point where I went to bars and nightclubs alone to talk to girls and ate dinner with random people on campus.

But we’re all different. The only way to find out for you is to try.

Nofap helps decrease social anxiety because not fapping to porn increases your self-esteem, and the boost in energy you experience increases your confidence.

K. Does Nofap Increase Motivation?

According to most testimonies, nofap increases motivation from the moment you enter the God Mode, the last period of nofap during which people have more energy and experience less fear.

Nofap increases motivation because all of the unused sexual energy can be redirected toward other purposes.

L. Will Nofap Help Me Be More Creative?

Your creativity may suffer while in the timeline, but the God Mode will certainly help you be more creative.

As above, all of the unused sexual energy can be redirected toward other purposes.

13. What If I Watch Porn Again?

Not gonna lie, never watching porn ever again will be difficult. Any movie you watch nowadays will have some kissing in it, which may trigger you.

Unless you isolate yourself on an island, it will be hard. But it is possible.

I think the longest I have gone without porn was two years.

As of now, I have not watched porn since the 1st of January 2024.

14. Help and Resources

Here are three websites you can consult to learn more about nofap, porn consequences, etc.

If you enjoyed the article, please share it with people who will benefit from the information written here.

Best of luck!


For more resources, head to

Photo by Maxim Potkin on Unsplash

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