Living, Learning, and Traveling Resources

  • Post category:Resources
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2023
Traveling resources

Find below a bunch of resources that I use or articles that I saved.

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Living and Traveling


Websites and Services:


  • Vagabonding, by Rolf Potts: a book explaining to you how to travel long-term
  • The Alchemist, by Paula Cohelo: read it
  • Siddharta, Herman Hesse: a reflection on peace, quiet, and the meaning of life


Find below 14 platforms where you can learn virtually anything…for almost free.

  1. Khan Academy
  2. Udemy
  3. Teachable
  4. Skillshare
  5. Coursera
  6. Edx
  7. Udacity
  8. Codecademy
  9. Simplilearn
  10. W3schools
  11. Lynda (Linkedin)
  12. Youtube
  13. Google Certificates
  14. Amazon Certificates


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