This database grew out of the frustration of not knowing which emoji would appear on WordPress natively and which would not.
So I found a template with all the emojis and simply pasted it here.
What you see below are all of the emojis that appear on WordPress. The eventual “holes” are emojis that I pasted into the WordPress editor but that didn’t appear on the front end.
Update: in retrospect, this article was completely non-sensical since as you can see, all the emojis appear.
My problem wasn’t for WordPress but for Woocommerce.
Woocommerce isn’t installed on Aure’s Notes and I have no desire to do so.
So if you’re experiencing a lack of emojis on Woocommerce:
- Copy all of these emojis below.
- Create a fake product in Woocommerce.
- Paste all of the emojis in your fake product description.
- Visualize the article without publishing.
- Choose your emojis.
Good luck!
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