Marketing Resources

  • Post category:Resources
  • Post last modified:September 10, 2024

This repository contains the articles I wrote about marketing and the marketing books I have summarized.



This list does not contain the books I think you can skip (eg: Contagious).

Likewise, some books like Wanting are not about marketing but they’re nonetheless important.

Please go take a look at the marketing, branding, sales and copywriting part of the reading list and pick up the books that look interesting.

Great Fonts

  • Consolas
  • Georgia
  • Open Sans
  • Inter
  • Roboto
  • Josefin Sans
  • Roboto Slab
  • Arial
  • Libre Baskerville
  • Source Sans Pro
  • Roobert Pro
  • Dsindigo (belongs to DocuSign)
  • Segoe UI
  • Factor A



  • Canva
  • Affinity
  • Adobe
  • Visme
  • Piktochart
  • PowerPoint


I began writing this article on the 13th of January 2022. I had gotten a job as a marketer for a startup in Estonia and had no idea what to do, so I read Hubspot’s resources which was more helpful than you’d think.

My current marketing knowledge is 99X what it was then but there’s still a lot to learn.

The only thing that didn’t change is that I still think that the greatest marketing “trick” is great service/product.

So, what is marketing?

Marketing is about crafting the right message and showing it to the right people at the right time in the right place.

The discipline at the heart of marketing isn’t design or copywriting but desires. You need to know what people want and deliver better than that.

Photo by David Hahn on Unsplash

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